“Anime Chain Concept” announced, preparation of production environment using generative AI | CoinDesk JAPAN

1 year ago 51

The “Anime Chain Initiative” was announced on January 9th, with the aim of solving copyright and ethical issues related to generative AI and expanding the content ecosystem. Led by the “Anime Chain” Preparation Committee established by domestic AI/blockchain experts, it aims to create a production environment where creators and companies can use generative AI safely and securely.

According to the release, the “Anime Chain” preparation committee includes Shuhei Mise (Turingum advisor, founder of Zeal Nova), Motoi Ataka (co-founder and executive vice president of Tokyo Otaku Mode), and Naoto Tamasha (Arriba Studio, Oasys, double jump.tokyo founder), Mr. Hironobu Ueno (representative director and CEO of double jump.tokyo), and Mr. Mono Arai (representative director and CTO of AIHUB, artist, engineer).

The three pillars of the Anime Chain Concept are creating a safe and secure environment for creators, resolving the labor shortage in the content industry, and maximizing creator profits. Specifically, the company says it will provide a generative AI that performs all learning, including the underlying model, using only opt-in data sets whose validity is guaranteed using blockchain technology.

The vision of the initiative is to promote the healthy development and sustainability of Japan’s entertainment content industry, including anime, manga, games, and VTubers. In addition, the company aims to increase the number of partners and achieve its vision as soon as possible by providing incentives to support partners and contributors using unique ecosystem tokens.

|Text: CoinDesk JAPAN Editorial Department
|Image: From the release

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