Bitcoin tends to rise in July ── 7 positive returns in the past 10 years | CoinDesk JAPAN | Coin Desk Japan

1 year ago 73

Bitcoin (BTC), the world’s largest cryptocurrency, is trending higher in July, according to crypto service provider Matrixport. “We are preparing for a soaring price,” he said in a June 28 investigative report.

Over the past decade, Bitcoin has averaged more than 11% gains in July, showing positive returns seven out of 10 times. Over the past three years, returns in July have been about 27%, 20% and 24%, respectively, the report said.

“Summer tends to be a time of consolidation for bitcoin, but a strong July was followed by a mediocre August and then September,” said Markus Thielen, head of research. tends to decline,” he said.

Matrixport predicts that bitcoin will move up towards $35,000 before being sold and retreating to $30,000 before rising again to the $40,000 level.

Bitcoin’s year-end target is $45,000, Matrixport added.

|Translation: coindesk JAPAN
|Editing: Toshihiko Inoue
|Image: Shutterstock
|Original: Bitcoin Bulls Getting Ready for Seasonal Surge: Matrixport

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