Blockchain Association pledges support for Biden order on crypto

3 years ago 169
White House

In anticipation of US President Joe Biden’s signing an executive order on crypto today, the Blockchain Association announced support for coordinating a unified approach towards responsible innovation in digital assets, Invezz learned from a post on their official website.

The association, which is considered the unified voice of the cryptocurrency industry, and its 80 member organizations are prepared to work with the Biden administration after the executive order on digital asset innovation takes effect.

Order to unify federal agencies

The order, which will unite federal agencies, reflects the dynamically growing crypto industry’s key role in the US economy. The order is a call upon federal agencies to coordinate. The Blockchain Association and its member organizations are prepared and eager to assist the administration with its efforts to provide the industry with practical and timely oversight.

A call for a pro-innovation approach

There is no doubt that the crypto industry has become a fundamental pillar of the U.S. economy. The Blockchain Association has called for a clear, pro-innovation approach to federal policy for the burgeoning industry for a long time. The government’s directive to coordinate oversight is evidence that the crypto ecosystem is a crucial and inseparable part of the domestic economy.

Fortifying US’ role of tech innovation leader

The Biden administration has the opportunity to work with the industry and ensure America remains the global leader for technological innovation for years to come by cooperating with representatives of the crypto ecosystem and having an open and productive dialogue with industry members.

Members of The Blockchain Association

Members include the sector’s leading investors, companies, projects, and protocols, working together to support a future-forward, pro-innovation national policy and regulatory framework for the crypto economy.

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