Crypto asset hacking damage by North Korea hits record high in 2022: Reuters | coindesk JAPAN | Coindesk Japan

1 year ago 83

According to a United Nations report, North Korea stole a record amount of cryptocurrency in 2022. Reuters reported on Feb.

“In 2022, the value of crypto assets stolen by North Korean actors was higher than in any previous year,” said a report submitted to the North Korea Sanctions Commission.

South Korea estimates the damage to be $630 million (approximately ¥82 billion), while one cybersecurity firm puts it at more than $1 billion (approximately ¥130 billion). Most of the attacks were carried out by hacking groups such as Lazarus, which is controlled by North Korea’s intelligence agency, the Reconnaissance General Bureau.

The FBI recently linked North Korea to the $100 million hack of Harmony Bridge in June. The stolen crypto assets are being used to “support ballistic missile and weapons of mass destruction programs,” the FBI said.

|Translation: coindesk JAPAN
|Editing: Takayuki Masuda
| Image: Micha Brandli/Unsplash
|Original: North Korea Crypto Theft Hit Record High Last Year, UN Says: Reuters

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