Cryptocurrency exchange/sales campaign update information summary (first half of May 2023) | coindesk JAPAN

1 year ago 88

We have summarized the campaigns that have been held since April and the campaigns that have been held since May at seven cryptocurrency exchanges and sales offices.

  • coin check
  • GMO coin
  • BITPoint
  • BitTrade
  • Rakuten Wallet
  • bitbank

Each campaign may require a separate entry (application) procedure, so check the website of each exchange for details.

coin check

[2nd]FNCT purchase campaign to commemorate the listing on the exchange!

conditions benefits period
Purchase (lottery) FNCT equivalent to 10,000 yen 4/17~5/17

Coincheck will hold the second FNCT purchase campaign to commemorate the listing of Financier Token (FNCT) on the exchange from April 17th. FNCT equivalent to 10,000 yen will be presented to 100 people by lottery for those who have purchased FNCT for a total of 30,000 yen or more.

[Everyone can get it without exception! ]Coincheck Tsumitate, cashback campaign

conditions benefits period
Crypto Asset Accumulation BTC equivalent to 1,000 yen 4/24~5/13

Coincheck is holding a campaign to present BTC equivalent to 1,000 yen to those who newly apply for the crypto asset accumulation service Coincheck Tsumitate during the period. All savings plans and all crypto assets handled by the service are eligible. Funding will start on June 7, with a three-month continuation condition.

【reference】Coincheck reputation and word-of-mouth summary

GMO coin

Commemorating the launch of foreign exchange FX service! 1,000,000 Yen Dogecoin Dividend Campaign

conditions benefits period
Forex FX Dogecoin according to trading volume 4/26~6/1

In commemoration of the launch of the foreign exchange FX service, GMO Coin held a campaign to divide 1 million yen worth of Dogecoin (DOGE) according to the trading volume. Transactions during the campaign period in foreign exchange FX are eligible.

【reference】GMO coin reputation and word-of-mouth summary


Tsumitate service start commemorative campaign

conditions benefits period
Crypto Asset Accumulation BTC equivalent to 1,000 yen 4/24~5/13

In commemoration of the start of BITPoint’s Tsumitate service, BTC equivalent to 1,000 yen will be presented on the condition that a new application of 5,000 yen or more per month and account transfer settings are completed, and the accumulation continues for 3 months. The actual gift will be given in late August.

【reference】Bitpoint (BITPoint) reputation and word of mouth


[Over 30 brands handled! ]BOBA Listing Commemorative / Large Lottery Campaign ~ PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch Organic EL Win! ~

conditions benefits period
Trading (lottery) Multiple giveaways including BOBA 5/8~5/12

At BitTrade, in commemoration of the listing of Boba Token (BOBA), you can receive a lottery with the number of lotteries according to the cumulative contract amount of the sales office. If you win, you will receive various prizes such as PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch organic EL, including crypto assets of up to 150 BOBA.

[Reference]BitTrade reputation and word of mouth

Rakuten Wallet

500 points gift for opening a new account and trading

conditions benefits period
Account opening + trading 500 points (normal points) 5/1~6/1

Continuing from April, you will receive 500 yen worth of Rakuten points by completing the application for a new physical account and conducting physical transactions of crypto assets. Acquisition of crypto assets through point exchange is also covered, regardless of the transaction amount.

【reference】Rakuten Wallet reputation and reviews


15 consecutive days gift campaign

conditions benefits period
transaction LINK according to the total amount of sales 5/1~5/16

LINE BITMAX is holding a 15-day campaign to present a link (LINK) according to the total amount of daily trading. The maximum number of gifts granted during the entire campaign period is 1,667 LINK. It is also a condition of participation in the campaign that you continue to hold 40 LINK or more crypto assets during the period.

【reference】Reputation and reviews of LINE BITMAX


Decentraland (MANA) handling start commemorative campaign

conditions benefits period
0% transaction fee for the corresponding currency pair 4/20~5/19

Bitbank is holding a campaign to reduce transaction fees for MANA/JPY, a currency pair that was newly handled from April 20, to 0% during the period.

[Reference]bitbank reputation and word of mouth

|Text and editing: coindesk JAPAN editorial department
| Top image: Shutterstock

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