dWeb Foundation partners with Flare network to support Handshake naming system

2 years ago 116
ETC Labs and Chainalysis

The decentralized web (dWeb) Foundation has announced a partnership with the Flare network. The former seeks to cement its endeavours in the blockchain network by supporting decentralization.

The dWeb Foundation is a non-profit organization based in Singapore. The Foundation is supported by Web3 enthusiasts, focusing on promoting a free and open digitized future free from censorship.

dWeb Foundation partners with Flare network

The increased number of people on the internet has created need for a solution that will boost connections between people and organizations. The internet, in its current form, is controlled by big tech companies, which results in privacy issues and a high level of centralization.

The Flare network seeks to solve this problem by supporting Handshake. Handshake is a read-write-own internet developed through the Handshake Naming System (HNS). The HNS system was developed through the decentralized technology provided by dWeb.

Handshake allows users to have control of the root DNS naming zone. The platform will now integrate Flare’s smart contract capability to support a sub-level domain (SLD) naming system. Through the State Connector, the Flare network will link the Handshake TLD with the SLD domains.

Decentralizing the internet

Handshake and Flare will work together to create a decentralized version of the internet. This version will have a high level of transparency, and it will focus on resiliency and security. Users will own and control their data.

The partnership is strategic, as the domain name market is expected to grow past a $1 billion valuation by 2027. By creating a layer-two solution on top of the layer-one decentralized SLDs provided by Handshake, the growth levels can increase significantly. It will also allow Handshake to be a leader in Web3.

The CEO and co-founder of Flare, Hugo Philion, noted that “Flare is excited to partner with dWeb to provide smart-contract functionality to Handshake’s decentralized internet technology. Flare’s role in hosting SLDs is a compelling factor in this collaboration, fulfilling our vision for a peer-to-peer, immutable and accessible internet experience. We are pleased to be working alongside the dWeb team to drive this reality forward.”

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