Ember has been a fascinating company to watch. The Los Angeles-based startup entered the scene with a self-heating mug, only to leverage its temperature tech learnings to enter the cold chain space, where it has developed containers for medical supply shipping.
I suppose you could say that the firm has returned to its roots with the launch of its latest product. And frankly, baby bottles actually make sense here. I might even go so far as arguing that keeping milk at body temperature is a bigger need than making sure your coffee doesn’t go lukewarm when you forget to drink it.
The Baby Bottle works similarly to Embers various mugs. Place the bottle of the “Smart Warming Puck” and it will raise the temperature to a balmy 98.6. There’s a connected app, as well, because it’s 2023 and you gotta. That allows for remote warming, and also tracks feedings over time.

Ember Baby App
CEO Clay Alexander cites his own parenthood as the product’s genesis, noting, “”I knew there had to be a better solution to this, so I began to draw up ideas which eventually led to the Ember Baby Bottle System. It was designed to give back time to parents, so they can spend less time worrying and more time being present to enjoy those precious moments with their baby.”
The bottle is bundled as a “system” that includes two bottles/nipples, the warming puck and a “thermal dome” for taking it on the go. It’s currently shipping and predictably doesn’t come cheap, running $400 when you buy it through Ember’s site.
Ember is in the baby bottle business now by Brian Heater originally published on TechCrunch