Prime Minister Kishida expresses desire to revitalize local regions using digital technology such as Metaverse in response to Budget Committee

1 year ago 83

Questions about Web3 policy

On the 30th, Liberal Democratic Party lawmaker Junichi Kanda asked a question about the Digital Garden Urbanization Initiative and the Japanese government’s “Web3 policy” at the House of Representatives Budget Committee.

Mr. Kanda, who is from Aomori Prefecture, is well versed in the financial and IT industries, having worked in the Bank of Japan’s Financial System Bureau, and successively served as an executive officer in the General Affairs and Planning Bureau of the Financial Services Agency and as an executive officer of Money Forward. there is

Questions and answers

Kanda said, “It is expected that funds will flow into ‘growth fields’ due to the expansion of the NISA (tax exemption system for small investments). In Prime Minister Kishida’s policy speech, startups were mentioned as growth fields. However, I would like to see the addition of ‘rural areas’, which are the frontiers of growth in Japan.”

On top of that, “In recent years, start-up companies have become the main players in rural areas, and in cooperation with local governments, Web3 technology, NFTs (non-fungible tokens), and DAOs (autonomous decentralized organizations) are used to solve local issues and revitalize them. I’m trying to raise it,” he said.

Behind this is the government’s announcement of a digital rural urbanization initiative led by the Digital Agency, which aims to realize “urban convenience for rural areas and prosperity for urban areas in rural areas.”

Many local governments face social issues such as the hollowing out of industry due to the declining birthrate, aging population, and population decline.

With this situation in mind, Kanda suggested, “Shouldn’t we strongly promote the movement toward digitalization by holding government-led international conferences and events, and by boldly reviewing the tax system and regulations?”

Reply by Prime Minister Kishida

In response, Prime Minister Kishida said, “Digital technology has evolved dramatically, and we are entering an era where even rural areas are on par with the Tokyo metropolitan area in terms of convenience.”

“We recognize the power of digital as an opportunity to dramatically increase the productivity and convenience of local communities, greatly improve the quality of industry and life, and increase the attractiveness of the region.” “Cutting-edge digital technology.” We hope to accelerate the revitalization of the region by taking in this.”

On top of that, “Metaverse (virtual space) is one of the technologies that enables activities and exchanges that transcend geographical restrictions. “It is important for Japan to lead the spread and development of emerging technologies, and to move forward with policies, including consideration of international events (related to Web3), in order to increase the literacy of the people.” and

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