Survey on crypto assets and investment among 18- to 19-year-olds – Approximately 1 in 5 people invest: BitBank | CoinDesk JAPAN

1 year ago 57

BitBank, which operates a crypto asset (virtual currency) exchange, is targeting 650 people aged 18 to 19 who will be able to start investing without parental consent due to the lowering of the age of adulthood in April 2022. We conducted a questionnaire survey regarding the actual state of crypto assets and investment. We have picked out some interesting items from the results announced on January 11th.

Approximately 1 in 5 people start investing

When asked, “Have you actually started managing assets or investing since the age of adulthood was lowered?” 22% answered yes, and 78% said no. Continuing from 2022, approximately 1 in 5 people are investing.

Image: bitbank

“NISA”, “Stock Investment” and “Time Deposit” are the top

As for their investment target, 41.5% cited “NISA”, which will have a new system starting in January 2024. This is followed by “stock investment,” “time deposits,” and “FX.” “Crypto assets” decreased to 13.8% (25.9% in 2022), while “NFT” increased to 15.4% (7.8% in 2022).

Image: bitbank

The reason was “I learned financial education while in high school”

When asked, “Why did you start asset management or investing?”, “Because I thought I would make more money” and “Because it seemed interesting” were the top responses in 2022. This was followed by a new answer, “Because I learned financial education while in high school” (23.8%).

Image: bitbank

“100,000 yen to 1,000,000 yen or more” increased by 12.4%

In terms of actual investment amount, 33.1% were between 100,000 yen and more than 1 million yen, an increase of 12.4% from the previous year.

Image: bitbank

The reason for investing in crypto assets is “expecting price increases”

Of those who answered “crypto assets” as an investment target, when asked “Why did you start investing in crypto assets?”, 44.4% answered “because it seems like it would help me avoid wasting money.” , a large increase from the previous year. A new response, 38.9%, was “Because I think we can expect a price increase.”

Image: bitbank

Bitcoin continues to be popular

Among the crypto asset brands invested in, “Bitcoin” was the most popular, following on from 2022. Cryptocurrency stocks such as Metaverse and NFTs, which are popular among young people, ranked high.

Image: bitbank

■ Questionnaire survey overview
Survey period: December 14, 2023 – December 21, 2023
Survey target: general internet users
Number of responses: 650 people (Number of valid responses: 600 people)
Survey method: Web questionnaire survey
Distribution method: WEB survey tool (Fastask)

|Editing and composition: CoinDesk JAPAN Editorial Department
|Top image: Shutterstock

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