Where to buy Decred (DCR) coin: it’s up 17% today as majority of coins trade sideways

2 years ago 158
Decred coin

The price of the Decred (DCR) coin has been rising since April 11 and today it had surged by 17.05% by the time of writing.

To help investors and traders who are eyeing to buy and hold Decred (DCR) coin, Invezz has created a brief article to help with identifying the best places to buy it.

To find out more, please continue reading.

Best places to buy Decred


CoinGate is a Lithuanian-based fintech company founded in 2014. The payment gateway offers cryptocurrency payment processing services for businesses of any sizes. Permission-based account management, fiat payouts to the bank account and brand new email billing feature are just a few reasons why CoinGate has become a go-to payment processor for many.

Buy DCR with Coingate today


Swapzone is a crypto exchange aggregator that operates as a gateway between the cryptocurrency community and exchange services. Swapzone aims to provide a convenient interface, safe user flow, and crystal-clear data for users to find the best exchange rates among the whole cryptocurrency market.

Buy DCR with Swapzone today

What is Decred (DCR) coin?

Decred (DCR) coin is the native token of the Decred protocol.

The Decred protocol is a blockchain protocol that was created to facilitate open governance, sustainable funding policies, and community integration.

All transactions and changes made to the Decred protocol must be approved by the Decred community.

Decred utilized most of Bitcoin’s principles

Should I buy the DCR coin today?

If you are looking for a cryptocurrency that has been on a positive trajectory over the past week, then Decreed could be a good choice.

Nevertheless, you should be aware of the fact that buying the cryptocurrency market is extremely volatile.

Decred price prediction

Though it is difficult to predict crypto prices due to their market volatility, analysts believe the DCR token shall maintain the current bullish trend as it tries to correct the recent price drop.

The majority expect it to hit $71 by the end of this month.

$DCR social media coverage

It's Easter Monday, and the market does not look born again.

Bitcoin has dropped below $40,000 while Decred and Stacks record notable gains among the top 100 coins. Get the full picture here: https://t.co/lB324QR2Vi pic.twitter.com/JDUMrn7cmZ

— Cointelegraph (@Cointelegraph) April 18, 2022

The current coin supply is approaching 14 million dcr of the 21 million max supply, with a total of approximately 7 million dcr Left to mine.

Read the full article: Six years of Decred – Part 2
https://t.co/vT05olrgoe#Atomicswaps #Decred #DCR pic.twitter.com/kKKigoZ4cO

— Decred Society (@DecredSociety) April 20, 2022

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