XRPL EVM: A Golden Ticket to Drive Large-Scale Retail Adoption for XRP?

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Rumblings in the digital currency world suggest a powerful avenue is on the horizon for Ripple (XRP) that may spark widespread retail adoption. The advent of XRPL EVM – an Ethereum Virtual Machine compatible XRPL Sidechain, is set to expand the horizons of the Ripple ecosystem, opening up a world of new possibilities.

🧵 Why the XRPL EVM will be the best chance for $XRP to achieve large-scale retail adoption

And how we can drive it ourselves 🏎


— Shen (@shenxcrypto) August 2, 2023

Unleashing Development Possibilities

Solidity smart contracts can now be deployed and interacted within the Ripple ecosystem, thanks to XRPL EVM. Imagine leveraging your native XRP and XRPL tokens/NFTs on platforms similar to Uniswap, PancakeSwap, blur.io, and sudoswap. This groundbreaking move is just a hint of what’s to come from the XRPL EVM.

Closing the Gap

While the XRPL has been praised for its reliability, security, and robustness, it has often fallen behind in terms of retail-focused developmental functionality. The XRPL EVM could be the missing link, serving as an extension to XRPL’s current functionality, without needing any major mainnet modifications.

Adoption Avenue Beckons

Not only does the XRPL EVM provide a much-needed developmental boost, it also creates a significant adoption path for the XRPL ecosystem. For users transitioning from other chains, the sidechain will provide a familiar experience, tackling one of the biggest hurdles for XRPL adoption.

Easing the Learning Curve

New users often find the XRPL daunting, requiring the learning of new processes such as mobile wallet setups, trustline comprehension, and manual acceptance of NFT offers. Thanks to the EVM, users can now manage their XRP and XRPL tokens/NFTs through well-recognized interfaces like MetaMask and CoinbaseWallet.

The Power of Smart Contracts

The XRPL EVM opens up the Ripple ecosystem to new developers, making it possible to integrate XRP and XRPL tokens/NFTs into their platforms. Existing XRPL developers will also gain significantly more functionality, allowing the creation of unique, exciting platforms that will drive retail interest.

Potential Risks and Rewards

With additional functionality, however, comes the risk of exploitation. Thankfully, a number of companies already specialize in smart contract auditing, ensuring security for the new platforms building on the XRPL EVM sidechain.

The road to mass retail adoption of the XRPL EVM won’t be without challenges, but the rewards could be significant. Key teams are already building on the XRPL EVM, creating core platforms to facilitate the transfer of tokens and NFTs between the mainnet-sidechain and within the sidechain itself.

While these platforms alone won’t guarantee the levels of adoption seen on other EVM chains, they could be the first steps in a journey towards a wide variety of fascinating ways for people to use their XRP and XRPL tokens/NFTs within a smart contract environment.

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